2021 "Earth in Crisis" Campaign

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Today we begin a week-long campaign, “Earth-in-Crisis," to honor the original tenets of establishing Earth Day. In 1970, the Lewis Powell memo directed the establishment of the National Environmental Policy Act, which recognized the urgent calls from ordinary citizens of the irreversible negative impact of pollutants on the environment. It ignited massive Earth Day celebrations. By 1990, Earth Day reached a global status in a more significant global environmental justice movement.

This year, Earth Day brings the ever-deepening climate crisis facing the planet to new levels of alarm. Global society faces compounded and layered traumas of a volatile economy, the COVID-19 pandemic, and economic, social and racial disparities in confronting the persistent existential question of our human survival amidst grave environmental disasters. As human society presses against the environment, we experience a clash of forces pushing and pulling against each other. The challenge: for humans to live in harmony with the finite resources of the planet.

To start our campaign, we are releasing the final video in our series about the Delaware River Watershed. This latest story places community and racial equity at the center of the discussion on environmental justice.

Stay tuned by following our next newsletter on Earth Day (April 26) and our social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn) for more stories on the climate crisis: from wildfires to volcanic eruptions.

Make your mark on this Earth Day and reduce your footprint! Join CivicStory as we continue to bring solutions journalism through the lens of citizens. While you're visiting, please take a moment to share our stories featuring community voices on sustainability. Consider volunteering in your town and supporting our "Earth in Crisis" campaign by investing in local news.