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Clean Water Action's 34th Annual New Jersey Conference

In an abundance of caution due to the health concerns and the potential spread of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), Clean Water Action is canceling its 34th annual conference scheduled for April 4th. The health of our members, staff, vendors, and the public is of paramount concern. 
But please join us for a virtual conference. Current registrants can contact for a full refund or use their registration as a sponsorship or donation to benefit Clean Water Action programs.

Despite this change of venue, we are bringing the excitement and information directly to your living room! We will be hosting the digital conference panel about creating a healthy democracy at the original time and date. The five climate topics will be covered over a series of weekly web seminars starting Tuesday, March 31st.  We love the communal experience of everyone joining the live video series, if you're unable to join us they will be recorded and available for future viewing.